Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Evolva is a public company outside of Basel and they work on generating new biosynthetic pathways in yeast. According to the wikipedia page, they originated from a company called Phytera from the United States, eventually ending up in Switzerland and renamed as Evolva.

The technology of Evolva is based on biosynthetic pathways in yeast. They use artificial chromosomes to introduce new genes and pathways from other organisms into yeast in an effort to generate either novel pathways or to recapitulate biosynthetic pathways.

Evolva has (apparently) recently changed strategies to developing ingredients from a more pharma-based strategy. The have two compounds now in a legacy section on their webpage that have entered clinical trials. Evolva states that they are looking partners to continue to develop these products but they are also still presenting results at conferences in 2013. As for ingredients, they list several on their product page including vanilla and saffron. They also list Resveratrol, I wonder how that goes after the fraud reported last year. Evolva is also a partner in CHEM21, a European initiative for green chemistry funded by IMI.

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